• La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine - Le spectacle peut maintenant commencer... EP
  • La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine - Tout va très bien... 10'
  • La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine - Abats split LP
  • La Societe Elle A Mauvaise Haleine - Pavilionul 32 split EP
  • La Société Elle A mauvaise Haleine - Phase Terminale split LP
  • La Societe Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Bouh !

Oui c’est nous, oui c’est nous l’anti-france,
Qui vomissons la patrie et le pouvoir qui pourrit,
Refusant d’engraisser les sangsues de l’assemblée
Restant le cul bien au chaud dans leur palais dorés.

Et si on vous fait peur...
Dites vous que nous sommes bien pires que ça !

Oui c’est nous les dangereux utopistes,
Anarchistes encagoulés, prônant la paix et la justice,
Refusant un système qui voudrait nous voir marcher
Tous en rang la tête baissée, la laisse au cou bien serrée.

Et si on vous fait peur...
Dites vous que nous sommes bien pires que ça !

Oui c’est nous les dangereux terroristes,
Nous sommes le ver dans la pomme qu'ils ne veulent pas partager
Nous sommes l’erreur d’un système qui voudrait nous imposer
Les règles d’un jeu auquel on ne veut plus jouer !

Dieu n'existe pas

Oui nous sommes dieu, c’est à nous de décider...
De décider qui va vivre, qui va mourir...
Oui nous sommes dieu, et c’est nous qui allons juger...
Qui nous nourrira, qui nous réconfortera...

Tout nous appartient puisqu’en tant qu’humain oui tout nous appartient !
On s’approprie la vie et on crée une envie que l’on transforme en profit.

Nous sommes des dieux aveugles
Qui refusons de regarder l’horreur et la souffrance.
Préférant l’ignorance qui nous excusera du massacre commis en notre nom.
Il n’y a pas de quoi culpabiliser,
De chercher à changer, il suffit de ne pas regarder.
Puisqu’en ce monde, tout a son utilité,
Puisqu’en ce monde, tout est à mes pieds.

Tout nous appartient puisqu’en tant qu’humain oui tout nous appartient !
On s’approprie la vie et on crée une envie que l’on transforme en profit.

Et derrière ces murs, ça pue la mort.
La mort gérée, la mort rentabilisée.
L’animal fabriqué pour finir sous cellophane,
Pour le bonheur des chasseurs affamés des grandes surfaces.
L’animal transformé, normalisé, industrialisé, l’horreur banalisée !
Mais en réalité, est-ce bien important ?
Juste ne pas y penser, tout simplement !

L’homme a créé dieu à son image mais dieu n’existe pas !
Ne cherchez pas de coupable car dieu n’existe pas !
Nous sommes seuls responsables de ce carnage, dieu n’existe pas !
Dieu n’existe pas, non dieu n’existe pas !

La guerre... (Qu'est-ce qu'elle a fait de moi...)

J’suis monté en haut de la colline, le spectacle peut maintenant commencer.
D’ici c’est sûr, j’peux rien rater…Tout en haut, de ma colline… On peut y voir des fumées s’élevées, des ruines, des cités à présent…pacifiées !

C’est la guerre, la guerre, on s’accorde à faire pleurer les violons...
C’est la guerre, la guerre, pour couvrir les cris de nos canons.

Quand soudain la nuit se met à bourdonner, qu’un flash transperce le ciel orangé,
Quand sous nos pieds le sol se met à trembler, on hurle à la joie à l’idée de voir l’ennemi tomber ! Quand le fracas des bombes est devenu la seule solution, que la haine écrase toute la raison,
Que reste t-il encore à espérer ? Que la guerre cette maudite, emporte tous les bouchers !

C’est la guerre, la guerre, qui voudrait nous faire croire...
C’est la guerre, la guerre, que l’on bâtit la paix en remplissant des cimetières.

Que sur des vies brisées on pourrait construire un avenir,
Que la fraternité naitrait de tant d’atrocité,
Que les pions que nous sommes auraient quelque chose à y gagner,
Nous n’ferons plus vos guerres, nous ne voulons plus mourir !

Alors ici ou là bas, on chantera : Guerre à la guerre ! Guerre à la guerre !
Alors ici ou là bas, on chantera : Ne va pas à la guerre, refuse de la faire !

J’suis monté en haut de la colline, le spectacle est maintenant terminé.
D’ici c’est sûr, j’ai rien raté... Tout en haut de ma colline...

C’est la guerre, la guerre, mais qu’est ce qu’elle a fait de nous la guerre ?
C’est la guerre, la guerre, mais c’est promis celle là sera la dernière… enfin peut être !

La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Le spectacle peut maintenant commencer... EP

The gangrene

No pasaran / Antifascist!

Fascism has made its nest in misery,
he spreads his rotten ideas on suffering and anger,
so many times scoffed, so much deceived,
than hope runs away, leaving place at madness.

But here as elsewhere, don't let fascism spread out!
No pasaran / Antifascist!

Our hatred has no border, no color,
and we know from where all our misfortunes comes,
patriotism and profit are our enemies,
we refuse to be the sacrificed cattle in their name.

No street, no city for the fascists!
No fight, no struggle for these parasites!

We come from here and elsewhere and in spite of the barriers they raise between us,
the spirit of revolt breaks our chains around.
This is not in the urns that fascism can be figh,
Maverick stand up, the squalid animal is held in front of you.

We vomit any forms of domination,
solidarity as the weapon, full of reason.
We are the people without borders with the earth as homeland.
Antifascist, antiracist, antisexist, neither god nor master, open heart!

No one is illegal

In detention centers, formerly concentration camps,
the days pass by far from the look of the crowds.
I'm locked up for identity defect, I have no identity paper,
we hide me behind barbed wires.

No one is illegal!

We are well accommodated, we have even the TV
where we see a chap explaining us that we can't stay here,
tThat we need to leave, and as a cool guy,
he'll pay for our flying ticket.

No one is illegal!

One thing I'm worried with, it's they doesn't want me there,
it's not that I'm stubborn but please listen to me...
Earth is everyone! I don't recognize your borders!

We're not for sale

We were promised happiness. We were promised a better life.
They have sold us our dreams on credit, our ideals and our desires had a price,
that of servitude and submission, self-fulfillment by the consumer society.
But here we are face to the emptiness of disillusionment,
knocked out by so many promises and compromise

And if in their eyes, we're worth nothing,
just a line on a graph which they can eliminate overnight,
a shapeless mass gesticulating endless, who's feeding only with crumbs and sorrow.
We're not for sale!

We were promised nirvana, that we'll touch it by accepting wage,
putting aside the humiliation of not be our own master, to lose it our mind.
They let us be linked, hypnotized by the singing of the advertising,
trying always to possess more, it's our freedom that we let them steal us.

And if in their eyes, we're worth nothing,
just a line on a graph which they can eliminate overnight,
a shapeless mass gesticulating endless, who's feeding only with crumbs and sorrow.
We're not for sale!

Due to wanting to possess more and more,
we let us fall in jail by the imperative nonsense of renewed need.
A vicious circle from which we can't escape.
We need to break it by refusing the rules, we know they're rigged,
whose we shall always be the loosers.
So we need to refuse, try to build another world who works well.
So we refuse and we build, make a clean sweep of the consumer society!

We were promised happiness, we were promised a better life,
but the circus is over, the masquerade may stop,
the system vacillates ready to collapse.
We were promised nirvana,that we'll touch it by accepting wage,
Soon there will no slave anymore, pleading you to have the kindness to continue to exploite him.

And if in your eyes, we're worth nothing,
just a line on a graph than you can eliminate overnight,
a shapeless mass gesticulating aimlessly and endlessly,
we'll make you know the sorrow in your turn...
We're not for sale!

Our freedom

Our freedom we may imagine it, we may speak about it, we may dream about it.
We may try to create free spaces, to question our preprogrammed education,
to curse the power and to challenge it ceaselessly...

But...Our freedom, they'll not give it to us!
Our freedom, we'll take it back ourself!

Their system is locked in point to make us doubt that we can't live without,
that nothing serves to dispute it. But we see its horrors, eyes open on this dying world and we die by smiling.

But...Our freedom, they'll not give it to us!
Our freedom, we'll take it back ourself!

They may say to us that one waking dream, we have feet on ground far from all their prayers,
madness would be that any continuous, that nothing ever changes,
that everything is already screwed.
But our chaines so heavy which so much made us toil,
we need to break them and never to replace them,
not to return power to another parasite, who promises us the moon because power is cursed.
Our freedom should not be to negotiate,
impossible to think that they'll give it to us by going to vote,
because the rules are made by themselves, everything is fake,
any is well settled for that we remain docilely in our state of dominated and governed!

A brave new world

Forced to lose ground to accept the raggings, submission of daily life.
Preferring the illusion, resigned without solution for forget the next day,
impossible to advance without disgust,give up, feeling overwhelmed,
looking in drugs to escape but they'll serves only to erase you.

Everything goes very well in a brave new world!
Where happiness faces the artificial paradise...
Everything goes very well in a brave new world!
Where we forget ourselves, where life is more beautiful...

Feel constantly oppressed if you refuse rules of the game,
the system is going to crush you, kick you out of society
where your only choices are jail or suicide.
Anger give the way to the despair, no more illusions,
no more great evening, madness only for feel alive.

Everything goes very well in a brave new world!
Where happiness faces the artificial paradise...
Everything goes very well in a brave new world!
Where we forget ourselves, where life is more beautiful...

We're locking ourselves in our chemical suppressants,
abundance prescribed to relieve psychic pain of the absurdity
in a world who walk on his head, where everyone hates each others,
where there is no fight.

In a brave new world... Nobody to protest...
Everyone is aligned... No head doesn't have to exceed...
Drugs to forget... Life is so beautiful when we took our pills!
In a brave new world... Everything goes very well in a brave new world!

Of my window

I spent my time to stare out the window and I start to know the people of the district,
at 7am it's time to go to factory, half asleep, go away, mechanicals behaviors.
A day crushed by the capitalist machine who seems to last again and again.
Crushing you, forcing you to produce, to consume,
imposing you your needs, pushing aside you from the path.

Our actions are empty, our words are repetitive expressions.
Eats, sleeps for having energy, for selling your energy.
Watch TV, speaks only about budget, survival, bill to pay,
too tired, too automated for think.

When I see them passing of the window of the prison,
I have pain for them, I don't recognize myself in this world.
Those who believe they have something to say, but who say nothing...
Those who believe they have something to live but who live nothing...
They have the freedom to change their boss but they don't have the idea of a life without them.
They have the freedom to change their master but they don't have the idea of living without them.

When I see them passing of the window of the prison,
I have pain for them, I don't recognize myself in this world.
Those who believe they have something to say, but who say nothing...
Those who believe they have something to live but who live nothing...
They have the freedom to follow the standard but they don't have the idea of living without it.
They have the freedom to have a dose of happiness,
at least that's what they say with some hope...but they're resigned !

No mercy for barbed wires

From Mount of Olives and the vast plains of Judea,
martyred land, people on emptied glance of hope,
disillusioned to be able to one day wake up.
For a long-awaited day to finally live in peace.

On both sides, it's the hatred, the fear of the other one.
On both sides, the breath of the anger prevails.
For a small piece of land, for non-existent gods,
tanks versus stones, a mother holds her bloody child.

Neither Palestine, nor Israel, peoples united without borders!
Neither Palestine, nor Israel, so that falls the wall of the hatred!

Friends you need to know that on the both sides, the war isn't a fate.
Drop the weapon, deny your god and burns your flag.
Life will only have a sense when we'll finally understood
that nothing serves to die for a country.

Without flag, without government, without homeland, let us be all the stateless people!
Without border, without any wall, without limit, let us be all the stateless people!

Let us break the wall, neither Palestine nor Israel!
Let us break the wall, the people united without borders!
Let us break the wall, neither Palestine nor Israel!
Let us break the wall, so that falls the wall of the hatred!

The resigned

I hate the resigned, who wants to see me chained,
who wants to see me just accept, who wants to stop me inveigh, who asks me to shut up.

I hate the resigned, for whom nothing is going to change,
saying that they are all rotted, that they need to leave,
but goes to vote on sunday.

I hate the resignation which makes me puke.
I hate the resigned for taking pleasure in his role of slave.

You stink hatred!

Fight at the root to eradicate the gods, unstoppable vermin,
makers of destitute, enslaving the masses, create wars and massacres,
with a blind submission as only salvation.
They manage, they educate, they want to format, impose their democracy,
force us to vote for a king who exploits us, makes us eat crumbs,
and multiply the debt every day.

You stink hatred!

They proclaim freedom by creating terror, open borders but build walls,
fight the intolerance by aggravating the differences,
dismayed the crowds by refuting the obvious facts.
The government deceives us, the media lie to us,
they conditions us to manipulate us better, manufactures elites so that can reign
the new world order, their project apparently.

They establish their economies countered in all, fill their pockets with bribes.
Plot between them and make us believe what they want, they can even accuse us of theft.

You stink hatred!

The watchword increased production, proclaims the work as a means of escape,
the human being as an actor in his own right, to survive, the right to betray his brothers.

As an insult to the intelligence, blind faith!
As an insult to the intelligence, denial of freedoms!
Neither god nor master, we're the ones to write our history.
Neither God nor master, we're the ones to change history.

Denounce! Resist! Exist!

Everything is starting today

Everything is starting today, our revolts are ready to burn everything,
more time to think, more time to wait, they'll all go, they'll all die.
Hope they only want our happiness, that would refuse to see and understand,
nothing will be acquired, otherwise by fighting, otherwise by resisting.

Then comes time of elections, and the herd goes to the polls,
hopeless and resigned, that anything is never going to change.

Ruling class is already dying, nor your laws or your cops can muzzle us,
your system in agony just waiting to die,
we shall bury you with enjoyment because we want to live.
Against the government: countermeasure!
The dictatorship of money: countermeasure!
Against the government: self-managment!
The dictatorship of money: revolution!

And finally we can begin, a taste of freedom,
and finally we can begin, to reconstruct everything, to dream about it.

La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Tout va très bien... 10"

The criminal

Refuse to be a slave, no expectations of power,
Don't just accept to survive, take in hands
Your own future, get out from the ranks,
Destroy the hierarchy, the end of the oppressors.

System keeps us in class order
By giving us the illusion of a better day
But everything is fictitious everyone stays in place,
Power passes from hand to hand .. elite is superior.

Army of media, we are disinformed,
Hiding the real problems, veiling the solutions,
The system in the agony asks us to go to vote,
Democratic chimera, lies of elections.

Refuse to choose your master, to you to decide,
If the life you have chosen meets your desires,
Don't be frightened by the oppressive colossus
Who govern your life, push you to be obedient.

You complain about police, army, justice,
Administrations, laws, government, bosses.
You complain but you want the preservation of the system where you vegetate,
You start revolt sometimes but to begin again always.
Why do you continue to bend? Why do you continue to obey?
Why do you continue to serve? Why do you resign yourself?
Because you're the voter, the one who accepts what is.
You're the stooge, the devoted servant,
The self made worker of your own slavery.
What are you complaining about? You are your own executioner!

Zero tolerance

Zero tolerance does not apply to the bosses, does not apply to the screws.
Zero tolerance does not apply to the cops, do not apply to the prefects.
Zero tolerance does not apply to the bankers, do not apply to the bailiffs.
Zero tolerance does not apply to the bourgeois, those who make the law.

But it's just that justice is for sale, will sell her ass to the highest bidder, no question of talking about equality, anything can be negociate with money ...

Zero tolerance will apply in your neighborhood, will apply in your school.
Zero tolerance will apply in your plant, will become your routine.
Zero tolerance will apply to the protesters, those who refuse to be silenced.
Zero tolerance will make you walk to the step, will make you follow their laws.
Zero tolerance applies to you, to me, to all those who contest the law.

Be careful if you don't walk right, if you don't respect them...
A cop will embark you, a judge will explain to you in putting you in jail under the beats of prison guards.

Break down your TV

Big Brother fills your mind, your thoughts,
It makes you sing, dance, dream ...
Fills you the brain of useless things,
Keep you from thinking, to question thee.
The major media groups control the information
Create and make our future idols ...
Star academy as the only horizon of a successful life, disillusionment!
Our modelled brains, violated and prepared ingested the broadcast bullshit,
They have turned us into cattle to consume more publicity.
Hypnotized by a truncated reality,
Everything always goes to their interets,
The world as you see him,
It is all that they hope you'll accept.
Don't believe your TV / Switch off your TV / Destroy your TV / That she finishes disemboweled!!!
Bouygues, Vivendi and UMP, that they finish all in the woodshed!

The eye

If you want to be free, present your papers,
Sort, tidy, you're stuck anywhere,
A number for all to identify us such the cattle with the marked red iron,
Our freedom which we consider unlimited is only a decoy, an illusion flouted.
We may hide ourselves the face we can't ignore
That behind your mobile they are there to listen to you,
That behind your keyboard, everything is recorded, classified on a database,
You have no privacy, no matter what you do, sooner or later they will know all about you.
Release on probation, controlled freedom, voluntary slavery, refuse to be silent!
Be careful if you do not walk right, to keep their peace they are ready to crush you.


Burn your idols, your gods denied, liberates yours, refuses ignorance,
Exceeds your prejudices, exceeds the limits which locks you in a life of dependence.
From century to century held in leash, manipulated and cheated by promises
From a forgotten paradise and wasting away, a paradise where everything is rotten.
Preaching tolerance, they offer you the decay.
Preaching peace, they massacred entire populations.
In the name of a god, in the name of your god,
In the name of god, at the price of your farewell.

Think and act!
Black sheep of the flock get out of this shit... anarchy!

Exist (Nacht Und Nebel)

Erase of your memory this motionless education,
Who forms the basis of your prejudices.
Erase of your memory any moral oppression,
The distorted view of erroneous models,
Archaic and forced stereotypical thoughts
Of an falsified image, disconnected from reality.
Unconscious manipulated you create your own chains,
Prisoner of a system of compulsary values.

Excite your contradictions, reinvent your utopia.
The only authority that you can accept is the one who's come from you.
Destroy the sensibilities that the others had inculcated in you,
Don't be the victim any more, rebuilt your feeling, exist!

Live, not survive (Haine Brigade)

Daily work
And trying to survive,
In this hostile world
Who destroy me,
Living and don't exist.
Move forward without knowing ...
Empty stares,
Sterile conversations

Bawl whole days,
Not susceptible empty people,
Life can't buy,
They're lost.
I have no more hope
Nothing will change,
I expect nothing more
If this is the end.

A watch as a mark
And day by day,
See the seconds falling
Faster and faster
Forever lost in boredom
This life brings nothing
Too many nonsenses...
I want to live and not survive!

TV alienation (Fourmis Delta)

I'm paranoid because everything here is false,
Our needs our ideas have been learned !
I'm crazy because of their informations,
Worn out, erroneous, big-budget crap !
Our words, our ideas, were dictated to us !
Oriented, deformed, aggravated, amplified !

Due to watching TV,
I became a big waste,
Emptied, anesthetized, I can only accept !

Through our TV sets, they were able to manipulate us.
No need to think, we let our reason die !

There's no rise of insecurity...
I live in the suburb, I noticed nothing...
Stop believing that fucking TV news,
Nothing has changed is just for our control !

Injunctive broadcasts, passive self-destruction,
I will see in my last hour, that my life was a decoy !

La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Abats split LP

CRS (Republican Security Company)

The CRS will come, the party can begin,
safety boots on our feet and hooded, we'll go to provoke them.
All gathered together, ready to fight, hand in hand it will be hot.
The CRS will come, they'll eat dust!

Without going too far I compare these people to Nazis,
Their uniforms, their shaved heads reminded me Mussolini.
The dark years of war when free expression was punished,
To believe that despite all their regrets these big bastards doesn't understand!

We don't like war but we are willing to do it,
Together, united, we can win...
Let us get back to our lives because they have robbed us,
Let us get back to our lives, death to the police state!

Armed with their truncheons they enjoy to beating us,
But our friendlies cocktails will go to tease their shields.
On behalf of liberty, we will fight in the street,
By continuing to believe that all is not lost yet!

Our nice riot turned into a bloodbath,
They blew us up, they've ripped our teeth.
They were a thousand of cops for one hundred protesters,
They made us dying and they even found it funny ...

There's no morality but when express yourself your ideas,
You're pretty great interest to be well armed,
And when the state does not agree with you,
The punishment will be the CRS. against you!


This is the story of a little asshole who dreamed of having the power,
A bastard that would be near to sell his mother.
Little Nicolas wants to make us walk to the step,
the come back of moral order ... Please note that going to hurt!

No mercy for the immigrants, charter flights will be full on.
Even if where they come it's war, no place for their poverty.
People die on our borders, no matter anyway,
The opinion isn't shocked, brain dead by TV.
Always a cop behind you, cameras on streets corners,
Identity checks, all genetically filed.
He don't care about human rights...
Sarkozy seems to be a Nazi and citizens applaud!

No bums on the city, people need to spend their money,
No mini skirt on the streets, girls can't get dressed as they want.
No smokers, no addicted, put your brother in jail.
Sarkozy wants to make us robots that obey it's all!


Coming soon...

Lille 2004

Coming soon...

General strike

The wildcat strike is declared, we become rioters,
We don't want to move back, this time the cops will have to give up.
We have to try everything, the right as the left lied to us,
This time the system will explode,
Long live to the insubmission!

Organized in committees, things are going to change, bosses at the pyre and profit exterminated.
City halls requisitioned and state destroyed so that our lives become finally their priority.

No more hope sirs exploiters,
It's time for you to go down without a lift of your ivory towers
Because you feel the smell of the stake where burn all your horrors!

Finally we will be free of all your stupid rules,
Finally we will be free of all your unnecessary constraints!

Animal's mess

Regarded as the experimental material, the animal is tortured without compassion,
Experienced, tested ... sacrificed! His screams are muffled!
By the tolerated violence, our lack of interest in life around us.
Locked in a cage of his birth to his death, his life is only suffering, but what did he do for that?
Except that of being regarded as a lower race by executioners who think themselves superior.
But now it proved men and animals are not the same ...
The animal feels no pleasure in torturing! No!
Stop the experimentation, a life not worth more than another.
No to vivisection, a life not worth more than another!
Created, raised for the sole purpose of making him suffer, the animal is scoffed, the animal is tortured.
Created, raised for the sole purpose to kill him, the animal is scoffed, the animal is tortured.

The forgotten

They locked me up 'cause I fuck society.
They locked me up, me and all their prejudices.
I countered their laws in order to continue to live.
They locked me up and I can still hear them say
That it's for my own good, that the prison will teach me,
That this fucking jail will submit me.

I am a prisoner I'm not like you.
I am a prisoner I look at you in disgust.
I am a prisoner because I refuse to submit myself.
I am a prisoner because I've neither god nor master!

I refused to be formated.
I refuse to be controlled.
I refused system.
I refused and they locked me up...
Parked, stored, hidden, to forget me!

The prison will not change me, thanks to you the worst is in me.
Now I have no limits, do you feel the dynamite?
Trapped by the system, no choice, no exit
Sink or swim, your freedom is worth this price!

Unknow soldiers

Why do you fight for your country? Why do you fight for the borders?
Because of them we are subject to be continually at war.

The country is a prison. Borders are its bars.
They creates in us the division. Destroy all the nations!

Palestine is still in conflict, quite enough of died in Chechnya!
The sierra leone is dying... the ravages of patriotism!!
Then burn your flag and your wobbly border.
Then burn your flag for a deep world solidarity!

Unique thought

I don't want to make what it's necessary to make,
I don't want to be what it's necessary to be,
Let us at least live our lives to the fullest.
Tired of hearing what to do, the way ahead,
Free to follow our path, take control of our live.

Unique thought, mind control, unique thought just makes me laugh...

Right thinkers, beautiful talkers can't dictate our happiness,
I want to do what I like, to be finally free...
It's time they stop to forcing us to buy and consume,
Happiness can't be sold .. we must live without wasting away!

Your rules are not mine, like mine are not yours,
I want to live my life by respecting the choice of others.
Why do you make as your neighbor? Why do you not take in hand?
Why do you follow fashion? Miss you at this point of imagination...
I don't want to believe we're all idiots!!

Casse toi

Coming soon...

La Société Elle A Mauvaise Haleine

Phase Terminale split LP